Thursday, August 29, 2013


お久しぶりね since i wrote on this blog long long time ago.
Okay today i have some news for my dear reader (do i have even a reader?).

Yeah well you can read the news form KOMPAS or METROTVNEWS or TRIBUNNEWS.

Begun in the morning at five some friend text me that some traditional market was set on fire.
WHAT? But why it's so silent around my house though the distance's quite near? People said the fire have been burning since middle of the night.

When i got there around seven in the morning i could still see the awfully dark smokes attacked toward the morning sky at some different spots.

Well then i took some picture ... 

This was the view from the main gate in front of the market. You can see the fumes was invaded all over the place around. And the glasses as you can see also busted and left some big holes in all windows. 

 Everything was really in mess back there. Some people were still trying to save their goods.

This was the awful view from the other side of building. Look how the fire burned this building into nothing. The fumes still burst from the inside toward the the air outside.

 And these were some of the dead victims from the burning flames which could not be saved. ひどい過ぎる。

Some of the officer still tried to extinguish the fire inside. Well, as i could see there only two of fire trucks. And i wonder if there're only those this government have? Oh, come on. That was not a joke. The whole building was set on fire! There're many of  shops and stores inside! But they just sent two trucks?

 For around 18 hours the fire was burning this traditional market while two trucks tried their best.

 Some of the owners tried saving their last goods desperately.

There's nothing left after the attack

The fumes never let every single thing lost it's sight.

Many people think that it was not just a simple accident. Of course they who have their mind in normal state would not think so. How could a little fire could be turned in to a huge attack that robbed their money, their job, their store in a half hour?
And as i can see there's no certain step which the govern. take to solve this problem. It's like "a winning game".
Well, i can say people have already known who's the criminal behind this outrage. They even have some witness but unfortunately they have not enough evidences to proof it.

Well, what's your opinion about this?
I think people who have power and a lot of money thinks their kind of like some gods and goddess, whatever. They do what they want to do without ever consider their brothers and sisters who need their help to live in peace. But of course always be some benefactors which are their existent quite scarce and rare.
Well, aku hanya berharap mereka yang dzolim terhadap sesamanya mendapat balasan mereka di akhirat nanti. Sedang mereka yang ter-dzolimi mendapat kenaikan derajat di sisi Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Okay guys... It's all for today. Have a good time :]


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