Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Organization I'm on

On Friday, September 6th I was pointed to be in some organization. I am now serving as vice chairman. Well, i don't really understand about what should i do yet. I guess just helping the chairman. He indeed need help. He works a lot. I can tell he's experienced by his movement. And i know he's good at socialize. Something that i am bad at.

Because it is my first time on organization, it was really a shock to feel the difficulty of make one program. Just one. And it was the first for the last 2 years. Imagine that. We could be the revolutionary on this gloomy place. But it was totally tiring. We can't stop pushing our efforts on it yet. Only one step away.

Recently i can feel the pressure of this duty. Every body who has the half heart falls one by one. Okay they're not fall but they just feel the rigors of the fort that they had to pass to get to the destination. Short of.

Yeah we have some obstacles here. Especially financial problem. Our section chief financial officer... Well, She was a major problem of the organization development progress. I can tell she is artful. But that's the fun, right? Everything that's going too smoothly will ended harmful. Somebody said that. But i guess it's about the process. The more obstacles, the more strong we overcome its.

Okay, at least i can say that nothing is easy to be done. Particularly organization that has stopped working for a year.. They are people who will always oppose the way you take. The more sincere you are the more obstacles that want to stop you.

First, just believe in your self and God. Believe your decision is for good. Don't let people's talk get you down, and believe that your efforts will worth it.

That's all I wanna say here. Hope everybody will find your way honesty and bravery. See ya. And thanks for reading. Don't lazy to give a comment =3


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