Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another Nightmare

i really had some amazingly scary dream one hour ago. There's an evil red vampire. I would be pleased if the vampire was looked like Strigoi Dimitri or Adrian, but unfortunately he wasn't at all. It was Chinese one. And he jumped. I hate vampires do that. He wasn't alone, he had companies who served his hunger of human blood. And there's a girl. Me. He wanted to eat me!! But then he said "younger than that"... Well, the one who made he thinks like that it was me. It's my dream okay. I can't lose in my own dream. Hell, I would let those super ugly vampire eat me.

 But then he was fell above that girl, and his evil aura of the eyes made her like zombie. She was really scared. She yelled a lot in fear and anger. Then he buried her by himself. Alive.

But then two agent vampire hunter saved her. From that time she was decided that she would get revenge to that devil. She's not scared at all. She waited patiently a chance when she found his weakness. She didn't seem like me at all. I was really scared that i just wanted to run away quickly. She and i knew his headquarter. We both saw them there. And the he was after some boy that i knew well -in that dream. He was my friend. He was victim just like me. He and few of his friends tried to survived in the devil madness. But She, she tried to survived too, in her desire to send that demon back to hell.

And i saw my lil brother become some monster with a very long nail on each finger of him. I knew he had done some bad things that made him could be like that. I knew because i said "You should stop. That's why you turn to be a monster." I said "You are a monster."

But then i woke up and i felt like stone. I felt like my entire body filled with warm. I stared the window with a couple of empty eyes from few seconds. I felt really damn scared that i couldn't move.

It was another weird dream that i do always possess but that was the scariest one after a long time.


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