Saturday, March 15, 2014


tonight i still think about you
tonight i still wait for you
tonight i still hope that i can have you

"Give me a perfect day, oh i'll stay by your side..." 

I have no other option but to always think about you.
And i have no other desire but to always stay beside you.
Also, i have no other word but i love you.

You know nii san... everyday turns to be a nice day when i have you near me, when i can talk to you. When you can talk to me. Even though i can't see you and the distance separates us, and though i only can imagine that you are near, thanks for those jokes you give me.

Now that i've never felt this scared of the world before, i found you there.
Now that i don't even want to meet anybody, i wanna meet you soon.

But i'm scared.

I'm scared once you found out that i still wanna make you mine, once again, i'll be left in the blue.
"I'm scared as if it will be break"
I've never needed you this much.
and i've been waiting so long for this time to come true.


Just be my side.
Although it's just for a while.
Although it just for a lie.

Nii san... when i can't even cry... why i imagine that i wanna cry... in front of you.
Why i always think about that hand,
Why i always think about that hair,
Why all i think is about you?

Every days and nights i wait for your simple text.
I wait for making jokes with you.
I wait for you to think a little bit about me.

But i'm not that naive...
I know that it'll end sooner or later.
I know that i'm not the one you're looking for.

So, for now just let me pretend that it'll never be happen.
Just let me pretend that you want me by your side as i do.
Just let be pretend that i'm not the one who's hurting.

Nii san... I wanna say this word more that any other word. "Nii san.."
Nii san... Let me keep lying that everything will be alright... by you by my side.
Let me stay with you a bit longer before i fall.

And i hope that you won't even realize... that i already gone.

I've been living like this for a long time. I've been enduring it for a long time. 
Living all alone under the lies.

Even i dreamed of i'll be out of the lies and get the chance to show my self to the world.
To you...

Please God... For now... Just let me have the chance to keep calling him my nii san.

うそでも いい。


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