Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My trip to Tamrin City

Well, hello...

It's been a long long long since i post here. This time let me share about my first trip to a huge shopping mall at the city of Jakarta. Maybe for people there it's a usual case, but for me it's a special one. It's the first time i saw the light of the high building in the night. Before this i usually saw it in some movies.

And i had to admited that to see those lights with my own eyes was just too amazing. So beautiful and i was so amazed. Besides i rarely shopping with anybody. Maybe once a year to welcoming the Aid Fitri is my only chance to buy some clothes, well shirts and jeans at usual. I don't really like wearing some long dress like a feminim girl. But someday i really want to try to be a feminim girl. Well, if only i could find some true love to date with me. Ha ha. It sounds too difficult,.

And oh, guess what i was using to get there???

A train. Right!

Look! I took some pictures of it. Lol.

It's also the first time in whole my life that i could remember i got in the train. It felt really awesome. I imagined that i was riding some shinkansen like in Tokyo. It run so fast and many people there sitting, even i had to stand for a half hour before get some chair to sitting it down.

Lucky some nice college student gave us a sit. Ah, they're so nice.

I watched some people just sit in silence, an old man reading his newspaper and many of them playing their phones. Wow. Just exactly as i saw it in films.

Well, im kind of staying home girl so this little journey was really amazed me. I was so exited even i didn't express it well.

Shopping with moms was really something. They're so noise. They couldn't stop seeing things here and there. Oh it was like doing marathon in a long way. When they've found what they looked for and found another with cheaper price it was really a pain. And they did not even lost their strenght to found more clothes for cheaper price after going up and down and up and down the mall. Moms are awesome. Poor me.

And guess what we had lost. We couldn't find a way out in the first place. Finally we're getting out in the other way and had to turn around to get the front door to looked up some transport to get us back to the station. (why there're so many 'to')...

We were home so late. And oh no my aunt forget to leave the key under the shoes so my poor uncle had to  broke the back door to come in. It was also my fault not to remind her that i also had the main key in my pocket. Baka na atashi.

Okay now i'll tell you the result.

Moms were getting what they want, i got some new clothes and cute shoes, thanks to my beloved uncle. Actually i found some nice long dress but it was too expensive. But i swear i want to wear it someday. Maybe after i receive my honor.

By the way i haven't receive any earning from the bookstore i'd work for. They probably don't want to spare their money for me. Well, even i need the money i won't tell a word to that manager anymore. It's not that i hate him but im just afraid he would give me the same pain and, again, no one would stand to defend me. Like i could tell this to anyone. Even my special fake brother didnt want to spend a second to listen.

I feel really like a poor girl anyway.

Okay it's already rainy outside. sigh it feel really calm me down.

That's all for today. When i had another trip again later i wish it would be more awesome so i can share more with you!!! Wish me luck.

Bye bye. ^^


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