Saturday, August 3, 2013

初恋が降りなきゃ。 (I should put and end to my first love stories)

私、また だまされた。

Yesterday i've been told that...
Well, he kind of already have a new girl friend.
マア ね。。。

I don't feel like wanna have some heart break anymore so...
I calm my self.
I don't really know if i can do that... release him go. Or it's just another clouds before the storms.
I wish that i could really forget him this time. And never think about him again.
The way he hugged me was just some escaping of heart break. He never did that because he likes me.
The way he kissed my forehead was just some excuse of his crime for breaking my heart a part.
The way he talked to me was just some having fun time of his boredom to spare.
He never has some interest in me though.
He just... really enjoys playing around with my heart.

It's really hurt you know.
But, he never know that ... he never really care about that.
ひどい よ ね。
でも 仕方ない よ
だって 大好き だよ。

If only クロサギ here. I would ask him to swindle that man and return my heart as an information fee.
That クロサギ さん って すてき にゃあん。。。
I fall for him... crush on him... すごい クロサギ 様

So, that's it...
I should not fall for that man's game anymore.
Move on is my only choice now.

頑張れ!!! 頑張るぞ おぉ !!!


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