Saturday, December 28, 2013


Well, well,
 I realize that i'm not kind that can express her feeling truthfully in front of people, that can talk properly even with her friends. Then what i can do?

Through writing i can more express my self. I can be more honest. And can be more friendly.

Sometimes in front of people i have my own fear. So i can feel uncomfortable when lots of people surrounding me, talking. I feel like to go to loner place where i have no worry about how people look at me or how do i should look in front of people. Place to feel free to be me. Just me.

What's wrong with me?
I'm a girl who don't really care about fashion and boys.
All i care is enjoyment and people who make me feel warm.

いけめんが いいけど 優しい人は 特別なの。

皆は 弱いから でも 特別な人と 一緒には もっと強くに なても できる。それは 本当よ。
だから 私も 特別な人を探して行く。
そして 空を見上げて、未来を楽しく作る。

私は 私らしく生きてる。


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