Monday, February 17, 2014


now where i should start? 
first i had some new job. A real one, you should know.
Alot of things have been happening.
Bad and good moments one to another.
Through the thing that had happened i begin wondering my self...
Who is the true me?

Some people say that the true me is an interesting one.
So different with others.
~of course no one live the same life~
But the other people said that the true me is so "not fun"
Honestly I can make you so piss off in an instant without i knew it.
It's somehow easier than i thought.
So here, in my work place i've been asking who is the truly me?
To tell you the truth i can't even imagine my self.
Sometime i thought that i can be so friendly with people.
But then when people look at me with their suspicious eyes.
I always thought that "i can be scarier than you".
Maybe both side is the true me. People whoever is he/she definitely has a lot of side, isn't he/she?
Sometime i can hardly assessing people by the first impression.
It's because people always change, don't they?
So do I.
Due to the biggest possibility that i have a lot of  side i assume that i can be anyone you want to be.
Even though... Im still waiting for you who can look through the dark side of me.
And still want to be with me doesn't matter how ugly you've seen.
Don't be disappointed and still stand by my side.
Then i will do the same.
Like what i do with somebody in the past.
Bu he doesn't seem that he can trust me so he left and fine his destined one.
Even though it's just so hurting and made me so drawn on hatred.
I still have my forgiveness.
And still can do nothing to not let you go on her side. 

Well, that topic somehow always shows up no matter what.
So, back to the story of my work place....
I realize that there's a lot lot of troublesome that not only me but also the others can feel.

マー 笑顔があるならきっと大丈夫そう思っている。

たまには 起こったりけど 仕事は仕事ですから。

何があっても 私は あきらめない。

戦うはまだ 始めるんだ。



私の アダム。


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