Monday, February 10, 2014

Please Stay With Me


Is everything should be put in words? I know that communication is important but for somebody like me, who don't really can put everything in words, it's just i can't easily do that.  Just saying words can stressed me. どうして私も分からないんです。 "I will try to learn" i said to my self. 私は頑張りなきゃとそう思っていた。でもやっぱりつらいんです。 Can't anybody just see through the messages? 体と顔と目?

I don't hate people who talk much, it's just i prefer a quiet one. I have a lot of causes of stressed, so please just be nice and stay cool.

If i made some annoying face or things alike just ignore me and stay more silence. It's not that i hate you, it's just i'm on stress. Whether from pain of fatigue... or both. So i don't want to have much attention in kind of time. It's fine if you can't understand. Just be quite. Just ignore me. I don't want anybody sees that face of mine though.

何でだろうって私も分からない。寂しいんだと悲しんだとおかしいんだ どうでも嫌。私はずっとそういう方です。


いつか 誰かが私の手を繋げるでしょうか?

いつか 誰かが私に笑顔をもらったんでしょうか?

いつか誰かが私に何もいえないこと そばにしか来ないのかな?


その人が来てなら 楽になてかな 心が?

こんなに聞きたいことがあるなんて 私本当は大丈夫かな?

誰かが 私のそばにいてください。。。


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