Friday, July 19, 2013

My Job : 10th, 11th, and 12th day

 Well, nothing really much had happened.
I did as usual... shopping, cleaning, checking ...
We had some new menus such オムライス and カキ氷。

What always bother me is some of staff doesn't do fasting so far.
Why they're so spoiled their self

They're embarrassment of Muslim.
No fasting, no praying ... what the hell they think they're doing.
I've told them as hard as i could.
But honestly, i'm not that hard.
I can't yell at people and tell them what to do.

And because there's a branches of the cafe at another place, two staffs were moved.
Why should be all the leaders?
I don't know if i can do that this time...
No one could tell me what to do know.
No commando ... maybe i do the command?
Oh そんな分けないでしょう

The good news is i think i had an improvement on my guitar practice.
So happy!!

Wait until i can play it nicely okay!

And there's a story about him too...

He always causes resentment but i can't help it... i still like him.
That's so funny. He's so funny. His egos is more than me.
But who knows?
Maybe i am really crazy about him.
I'm crazy!!!

And today is one of my real friend's birthday!
I wish her happiness...



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