Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Job : 7th day

What i had to do yesterday was quite interesting... shopping.
Going through the traditional market was not easy...
And what i thought annoying was the price... people going mad in Ramadhan.
What were they thinking?? The price is getting insane! Saus tar tar.

It has been decided that she's not doing her job here anymore.
Great, now i'm the only staff girl here.
My first Ramadhan was succeed ! Awesome!

Oh oh... and i have some story.
The day before Ramadhan, when i finished sholat Ashar... There was some man...
He's looking at me... then approached me closely to asked my cellphone number.
Well, that's quite brave... but also scary. lol.
When i asked him why he said "I like you."
Oh My God... What?
He then asked so many question, where i live, where i work, and whether i've married...
Was there some audition take place?
I couldn't tell him to go right?
No, i'm not that rude.
So i said that i have had someone... 
#i didn't tell him boyfriend... just someone...
He asked me "Who? Fiance?"
I said "No," Of course not. Lol. Me fiance? Oh really,,, the one i loved had ditched me instead.
And that was the first thought came through me. Him. My lovely scary brother.
He seemed really want to know about 'him' that was-my-imagination-that-he-like-me-too...
He asked me again is he gonna marry me,,,
Well, that was very doubted. So i just said "Insya Allah."
I was very careful with my answer...
He asked again "When?"
That's the question i could never answer... so i just laughed.
That was the most weird situation i've ever had.
But finally he gave up on me... by disappointed because he with all the courage he had he got nothing from me but rejection.
I was very sorry for him...
Maybe next time.

And talk about him...
I still don't know if he really like me this time.
I feels like he has a lot of thing that he doesn't want me to know.
He doesn't really ignore me but some times if it feels like he does.
I don't know why i so unstoppable seeing him in a while.
It really nice when i call him "kaka" and he call me "ade"
It feels like i really have a brother. A brother that could protect me from lonely.
Maybe that's why when he came back i couldn't deny my feeling.
That i still have a little love for him.
That i still have my hope on him...


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