Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Job : 3rd Day

My third day was going well as before. Not really well for somebody i guess.
The first thing i saw when i got there was there's somebody crying... with her bf. I didn't what's the problem.. i didn't really wanna know, since that was out of my business.

So with the problem she looked so annoyed... and decided to get home earlier. Well...What? Okay no problem since there's another who cooked.
Oh and the my senior couldn't come either due to his problem.. which was i didn't know either.
And the owner... he was got into some little journey.
Why was everybody leaving?

Okay but i guess i did it well. No money lost. Okay. So far good.
Oh and i made my own ramen. Not really difficult to do. And guess what? I ate it. Okay, actually i was really hungry and i used that "learn making ramen" as my excuse. Lol. No problem right?

In the evening we cleaned up the cafe and i was asked to go to Ryu's birthday party. He's 1 year old now. Great. So amazing to see time flow so fast without i realize it maybe he could be a cool boy next time i see him. Lol.
There's everybody laughed a lot. I didn't really talked. You know i got a problem with that lively situation where everybody made some jokes to insult the others. I am not really close to them

Oh and... once again when i thought that i should leave him... he came and made me stuck on him again.
Bloodyhell. Do i so crush on him that much???


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