Friday, May 17, 2013

How i change my blog template

おはよう 皆さん! お元気ですか?

This time i'd like to tell some experience about my blog template. This kind of interesting for me. Good template makes me wanna post good posting. XD

It's quiet hard at the fist time. Well, because i didn't understand enough how it works yet. Now i know so it doesn't matter anymore. At least i understand how to put my template on and how to match it with my layout.

I'm a bit regret it because this template isn't my own creation. I download it at There you can find so many templates for your bog. I did a little trick on html code so it match my layout. Yeah... i threw away some gadgets which i thought so annoying. Some gadgets cannot be removed on layout menu so you need to understand the code and removed it from the edit html. I did some.
So this is my way to change my template:

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to and choose your template. Actually there are more websites which provide some cool templates. You can find it on google.
  3. If your have found some cool template then click it.
  4. Click download.
  5. It usually in .rar form so you need to extract it first. You know how to do that, don't you?
  6. Open your browser again
  7. After you log in you will see some menu. And then choose template by click on the arrow like the picture.
  8. After that click backup/restore.
  9. After some window approach choose browse. Find your xml file and then upload it. I suggest you backup your first template first so that if anything bad happen to your new template, you can still use your older template.You can do that by click download full template.
  10. And then after waiting few seconds... woola! Your template changed.
  11. You can edit your layout on layout menu. Or maybe you wanna edit it with html code? Whatever you like, dude :)
Oookay those are my method to use some more wonderful template on my blog. If you have any question you could ask me... or google. lol.
To be honest i did those steps a few times after i found a really matching template for my blog here. It's kinda cool, isn't it?
Nah, anyway i wish i can make my own template creation. Oooh i can't wait it to use my own template creation. I know i can. Who wanna teach me!!? lol.

I hope my a-bit-crap article be able to help you somehow. Thanks for reading. See you on the next article. 



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