Saturday, June 22, 2013

About My Self Potential (Talent) ?

Have you ever thought about your potential or your talent? Of course the answer would be "yes". Me too. I often think about "what is my talent?" or "what could i do in the future?"
When i was in elementary school i thought i have some potential in English and Math so i was imagining that i could be an astronaut. Didn't know why... lol

But then i came into some junior high school and i found that i am good at drawing. My friends said that my drawing was really good even though my first drawing was extremely awful. lol. But then i thought that i could be some artist.

But then again i started my high school and found that making some little software and designing a web was also fun. I was not really bad at it. So i thought i could be a web designer. But then i made some web flash using Macromedia Flash, and i forgot being a web designer. I could be an animator!

Oh but after finish my high school i'm now doing my college i thought i will give in my programer thing and learning some language because i think that i am good at it.

So, have you seen what is my potential is?

Well, this is my thought.

I have no specific potential here. I don't really have a talent at something. But i have some wills. And those wills to lean more have brought me some talent.

When i have a great interest at drawing i leaned it more and more until i could have some confident to showed it off to my friends.

When i was in high school i have some interest at creating some web design using HTML and creating some animation using Flash so i leaned its more and more until i could make some awesome web design to be presented in front of the class. And some Web animation to be taken to an EXPO in Bandung.

Maybe actually my potential is learning ?

And now i that i have some great interest in leaning Japanese so i thought that i could give my whole effort to take a try going to Japan.

My best potential is my interest.
Even though it's so hard to do that alone but as long as i have the will there's nothing could stop me. Except my God. And bad mood.

Well, if you like my post don't lazy to comment and share your thoughts, okay.
See ya! ;)


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