Wednesday, June 26, 2013

One's drowning heart

"I wish him back..." That's what i thought the moment i saw his smile. I never know how do does he feel about me... But still i can't stop my self from dreaming.

I wish i won't make the same mistakes... 
won't do the stupidity... as i used to be. 
So, he couldn't leave my side again... so i could see him for the rest of my life.

Every time i remember the way his eyes look at me.
I feel like singing
I feel like dreaming
I feel like breaking
Everything in this world seems to disappear... 
His gaze is the only one which never dies.

Now i don't really want to wish... 
Now i don't really want to dream... 
Now i don't really want to wait...
All that i want is to know how he feels about me,
Does he like me the way i like him
Does he think about me the way i think about him
Does he remember me the way i remember him

If he doesn't the i way i wish he does, i won't regret anything.
I will accept all the fate God gave me.
If he isn't for me... I will wish him happiness.
If we could not be together... I will wish him serenity.

This feeling at last will be drown deep down in to my darkest side. Will not to be revealed. Will sleep for eternity.

I give him my bless to be free.
Then I whisper into the air that i love him.
Before i release my love for him.


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