Sunday, June 23, 2013


友達がいるんだよね。 この大切な気持ちが覚えてったんだ。 友達って最高だね。

Last night i met my old high school friends. That was so fun. We talked so much and we laughed as much as we talked. Lol.

We talked more about our high school. How it has changed extremely since our graduation.

I never imagine that it could be worse changing there. Some of the teachers have hostile feeling toward each other. And the students. I think they have lost their feeling of respecting the elder. Oh when i listened one of my friend's story about that i felt poor for them.

We talked about 2 and a half hours. I hoped that time was going slower that time.

And i couldn't forget that the one who picked me up using some strong fragrant of perfume. Interesting. I still can smell a bit of his perfume now on my fingers.

Anyway i have never felt that way since college. Talking, joking, laughing...

For me maybe it has to be at least 2 years to know someone. To be a bit close to them. I know, i wonder my self  "why it takes so long to close to someone as a friend?"
But i think my process's just taking a long observation to see how a person is.

Anyway... thanks to them for the invitation.
I was totally happy :]


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