Friday, May 31, 2013


I had a really really bad day.

It just... The truth is what they need it's not me. When she said "don't go and leave me alone here." it truly means "don't go and leave me doing these study alone, you have the brain, and i have you."

Great! Just go shopping and playing and leave me alone with studying.

It hurts.




I feel so badly like crying just think about that.

you know i wanna play too.
i wanna go shopping.
i wanna go to theater.
 but even though i have some money i can't spend it by doing those things
i can't have what i want when i have some need
no one understand that

Do i really have a friend here?
本当は私が友達いるんですか? 誰でもは忙しいんだから。そう、あいつらは忙しい過ぎて時間がありません私に。それはもう分かってる。




Anonymous said...

i know what it feels when people treat you as an alien. No one to share your feeling. Nobody to hold your hand when you're afraid for being alone. No parents who make you feel like home.
Lonely is when no one could understand you.

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