Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Job : 13 day

I felt like had a bad bad day yesterday.


Udah kesandung dua kali di jalan... 
orang-orang pada nyebelin.
Masa di katain jahat tanpa alasan yang jelas dan menjanjikan.
Why? He likes me? 嫉妬 ?

Emang kenapa kalo lagi bosen aku chat?
Apa itu tindak kriminalitas?
Tch... 信じられない。

お兄ちゃんも。。。 また一人で残られた。眠れたか? もう。。。 ひどい。

I home late last night...
I was soooo sleepy but couldn't help the rain wasn't gonna stop falling.
I swear my face did really look annoying to others.
でも。。。仕方ないわよ。 It's upset me when they didn't care if that was 10 or 11 pm already.
I wanted to go home immediately!!

Oh.. and another thing that upset me was they all did not fasting yesterday,,,
Ohhhh i couldn't believe they smoking when the sun was still above their head!
And i was sure they felt fine about it.
And what's more crazy is there's some young people right in front of a Masjid whom drank a cola!!
After attended some concert.

Oh yeah... the concert was really entertaining. T_____T"

Boys and girls... Were they insane? What's wrong with people now days?
Do they have some respect? some decorum? no?



ngitung uang itu capeee gilaaa~


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