Monday, July 15, 2013

My Job : 8th and 9th day

Well, the cafe did not really open these couple of day.
It's because still under renovation.
Though I don't really know what the renovation exactly. Lol.
Okay i went shopping again on saturday with a staff friend.
We bought some ingredients like meat and some onions.

Sunday was not a really fun day ... they all were sleeping when i arrived there.
And yappari... they were not pasting yesterday.
I should have already known that they could not possibly do.
Ha... Boys.

And i've started playing guitar ... well, learning... lol.
It's so interesting... but a bit hurt on my fingers.
It was my dream to be able playing at least one instrument tool.
Guitar is the most easiest tool i could find.
But whatever it is...
As long as the tools could possess a sound ... it doesn't really matter.
I really enjoyed it.

And tonight i had a dream again... one of my college friend appeared.
I miss her... or she miss me? #not possible
I miss my old friends... And i really need money.
And i wish there's somebody out there who would give me a cute big cat doll.
Am i a girl?
How could that possible i could never got one?
So unbelievable.


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